Senin, 28 Februari 2011

F2F_Interaction [ Char hacks + Spion Hacks + Masmed Hacks + Exit Pb Automatic ]


Release F2F_Interaction 28/02/2011

Creator :


Special Thx To :
[*] andr1edk

[*] BiLLz_MuD

[*] F3rryp3ll0

F1 = Char hack And Beret GM

F2 = Char hack And Beret SG

F3 = Char hack And Beret Assault

F4 = Char hack And Beret AWP

F5 = Char hack And Beret ?SMG

DELETE = RESET Char Hack And Beret

Spion Hack = F11

Complete Card = Panah Atas

Reset Card    = Panah Bawah

Exit Pb = Pause break

How To Use Hacks and Beret Char
[-] Go Room Press F2

[-] play

[-] Currently Loading Map [Screen Appears folders] press F2 More

[-] OFF [Delete] Kan We Are Preparing Game

Use of masmed:
There should be a point: Hack Masmed only Make sure you do not have any mission,

then imagine you're buying the cheapest Mission

After that you unconsciously pressing Up Arrow key

and your hands begin to play the mouse button tuk Mengkilik Misión (there is next to the inventory)

then click on Card O,

MISION button is clicked again (there is next to the inventory), and so
on until the last is the letter K, after which jgn yg click the first
letter P, lgsg DC wrote., after it entered lg, new deh his letters P gk
flame, and complete the mission remaining after finished playing you
will realize that you already get 1 Masmed and 1 Ensign or 1 medal

Hack how to use the Spion :
To Spion Turn When In ROOM

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